Notes toward a Semeiotic of Art

Iconic Beauties in Cosmic Poiesis


  • Nicholas Guardiano Southern Illinois University Carbondale



Although Charles Peirce only rarely applied his semeiotic principles to art, his ideas are highly informative for contemplating the exchange of qualitative meaningin the iconic signs constitutive of art. Reflecting on Peirce’s theory of the icon, three hypo-iconic sub-types, the formative role of the sign-interpretant, and the metaphysical “qualisignificance” of a universe “perfused with signs”, I provide some theoretical notes toward sketching a semeiotic of art. Further illustrative of a Peircean semeiotic of art is the American painting of the Hudson River School and the modern poetry of Wallace Stevens that progressively advance its insights in their own beautiful signs. These philosophers and artists have intellectual roots in Emerson’s transcendentalism with its Neoplatonic legacy, and together form a unique American strand of aesthetics.


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How to Cite

Guardiano, N. (2023). Notes toward a Semeiotic of Art: Iconic Beauties in Cosmic Poiesis. Cognitio: Revista De Filosofia, 24(1), e61862.