Intelligence, intuition, and action in Henri Bergson

a path to understanding the artistic creation


  • Caroline da Silva Lourenzone Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"
  • Maria Ester Martins Silva Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"



Action, Creation, Duration\, Intelligence, Intuition


Our goal is to discuss the role of action in the constitution of intelligence and its implications for aesthetic action in Henri Bergson’s philosophy. Human beings, according to the philosopher, are shaped by intelligence; faculty intimately related to a determinist comprehension, so how do we think about the creative action, which is closely linked to the notion of unpredictability, in particular, the artistic creation? The artist, a painter for example, does not know, no matter how much he plans, how his painting will turn out in the end, as well as the moments and actions of his life. With creation, he presents the fluidity of duration, the continuous creation. We will argue that, for Bergson, artistic creation involves a distancing of intelligence and the involvement of another capacity, freed from the needs of action, that is, intuition.

Key-words: Action. Intelligence. Intuition. Duration. Creation.


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How to Cite

Lourenzone, C. da S., & Silva , M. E. M. (2023). Intelligence, intuition, and action in Henri Bergson: a path to understanding the artistic creation. Cognitio: Revista De Filosofia, 24(1), e61877.