Relation of normative sciences and the predisposition to act in Peirce's philosophy


  • José Luiz Zanette Pontifiícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Centro de Estudos de Pragmatismo



Criticism, Ideal of justice, Normative sciences, Pragmatism, Synechism


The article aims to show that Peirce, after realizing the appropriation that James and others made of Pragmatism, taking it far from an ideal of justice and keeping it in the service of a “nauseating utility”, whose principle was that only individual utility, including spiritual well-being, would be the ultimate goal of all practice, he sought a philosophy that would keep logic and science united in a realistic manner with laws that could be metaphysically real. In this way, he perceived the necessity to transcend the hypothetical considerations incorporated into the sense of the pragmatic maxim, attempting to distance it from nominalist risk. In this process, he took into account two new normative sciences, esthetics and ethics, in addition to logic, so that Pragmaticism, in intelligent criticism, would investigate whether an admirable end of a subject could be pursued in an indefinite and prolonged course of action, without grounding it solely on individual utility, thus replacing the ideal of justice for the renamed Pragmatism, the Pragmaticism.


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Author Biography

José Luiz Zanette, Pontifiícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Centro de Estudos de Pragmatismo

Doutor em filosofia com área de concetração em ética e semiótica.


APEL, Otto. Charles S. Peirce: From Pragmatism to Pragmaticism. Trans. John Michael Krois. New York: Humanities Press International Inc., 1995.

IBRI, Ivo A. Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces. v. 1. eBook. Springer, 1st edition. 2020. LISZKA, James Jakób. Charles Peirce on Ethics, Esthetics, and the Normative Sciences. Routledge, N.Y.

PEIRCE, Charles S. The Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. Electronic edition reproducing Vols., I-VI ed. Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1931-1935), Vols. VII-VIII ed. Arthur W. Burks (same publisher, 1958). Mentioned as CP.

PEIRCE, Charles S. The Essential Peirce – Selected Philosophical Writings. Indiana University Press. Vol- umes 1 and 2. Mentioned as EP. 1 or 2. 1992 and 1998, respectively.

PEIRCE, Charles S. The New Elements of Mathematics. Vol. IV: Mathematical Philosophy. Edited by Carolyn Eisele. Mouton & Co B.V. publishers. The Hague, Paris: 1976. Mentioned NEM 4.

SANTAELLA, Lucia. Estética: de Platão a Peirce. 1 ed. São Paulo: Experimento, 1994.




How to Cite

Zanette, J. L. (2023). Relation of normative sciences and the predisposition to act in Peirce’s philosophy. Cognitio: Revista De Filosofia, 24(1), e63651.