Instructions to the authors

Manuscripts submitted for evaluation for publication in Cognitio are the sole responsibility of the authors, representing their point of view, and not the official position of the journal's editorial board. Articles should address topics related to the theoretical universe of Pragmatism. Exceptions will be evaluated, provided they respond to articles previously published by Cognitio. Articles presented at the International Meetings on Pragmatism, promoted by the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, when proposed for publication will be submitted to evaluation as the other submissions.

Manuscript submission

Submissions must be made via the OJS system, using a login and password, through the link:

If you don't already have an account at Cognitio, create one at:

Contribution category

The contribution types accepted for evaluation at Cognitio are:

Editorial: section intended for the publication of critical texts prepared by the Editorial Board of Cognitio, addressing scientific topics, susceptible to citations, under the responsibility of the editors and without peer review.

Original articles: productions derived from theoretical and/or empirical research, based on research questions or hypothesis(es), supported by theoretical and methodological references clearly expressed in the text.

Review articles: section intended for publication of state of the art or state of knowledge. Here are published studies, with theoretical and methodological foundations, on themes and issues referenced in updated data survey and with critical analysis of the field.

Translations: translation of contributions published in another language, relevant to the philosophical field.

Critical reviews: section intended for the publication of critical reviews of books, films and other cultural products of interest to the philosophical field. Critical reviews will be accepted if they present a critical character, contributing new knowledge, not to be confused, therefore, with the summarization of works.


Essays: detailed reflection, with greater freedom on the part of the author to

defend a certain position, that aims to deepen the discussion or that presents a new contribution/approach to a relevant theme.


Interviews: characterized as a conversation between two or more people—the interviewer, who must have prior knowledge of the subject that will be addressed, and the interviewee(s), composing a text with the interest of the Cognitio target audience in mind.

Manuscript preparation for submission

Text: Manuscripts can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish and should not exceed 5,000 words. They must be submitted in electronic format, typed in Microsoft Word for Windows, with Times New Roman 12 font and single spacing between lines and paragraphs.  Under no circumstances can the text present data that identifies the author; thus, data such as name, biography, affiliation, e-mails, and ORCID ID must be informed in the proper fields in the system, during submission. If there is more than one author, all the coauthors must be indicated in the system, as long as they have contributed to the work. Before submitting, replace with the word AUTHOR the names of the authors in the text, in the references, and in the footnotes. You also need to remove the tags in the document by checking the Properties of Microsoft Word.

Whenever possible, the text should not have numbered topics, except when there are several sublevels and it is absolutely necessary to indicate this hierarchy in the headings and subheadings or in the body of the text. You should avoid quotation marks, and prefer the use of italics for emphasis.

Citations: must be in accordance with the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (NBR 10520:2002), using the author-date system. Quotations of up to three lines must be enclosed in double quotation marks; single quotation marks are used to indicate quotation within a quotation. Quotations longer than three lines must be indented 4 cm from the left margin, with Times New Roman 11 font and without quotation marks. Suppressions in quotations must be indicated by dashes in square brackets, and interpolations or comments must come in square brackets. To emphasize parts of a quotation, you must highlight them, indicating this change with the expression "our emphasis" in parentheses after the quotation, or "the author's emphasis" if the emphasis is already part of the work consulted.

Footnotes: should be in accordance with the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (NBR 10520:2002), and may be of reference, explanatory or include indications, observations and additions to the text, must be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals, with the call number in a high position in the text, after the punctuation that closes the citation, and repeated at the beginning of the corresponding note. The text of the footnotes must be in Times New Roman 10 font.

Figures: Images must be submitted with good quality resolution and legibility. We suggest that images be sent in JPG format, separate from the text, in their natural size, preferably with 300 dpi. All images must be numbered, with a brief description that will be inserted right below them, in the form of a caption and followed by the source. All figures must be cited in the text. Obtaining permission to reproduce the figures is the author's responsibility.

Tables: Tables must be submitted editable, preferably within the body text, and must be numbered, with a title inserted above them. All tables must be cited in the text.

References: must be in accordance with the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (NBR 6023:2018). The author’s name must be indicated by the last surname in capitals, followed by a comma and the first name(s) and other surnames. In the case of up to three authors, indicate all of them separated by a semicolon. In the case of more than three authors, only the first author must be indicated, followed by the expression “et al.”. In the case of a work composed of several studies or contributions by several authors, the intellectual responsible must be indicated (coordinator, organizer, etc.) followed by the abbreviation of the word that characterizes the type of responsibility, in parentheses. Works under the responsibility of entities are referred to, in general, by their own name, written out in full and in capital letters. The title of the work must be highlighted in italics, and separated from the subtitle by a colon. The edition is indicated when mentioned in the work, with the abbreviation of the ordinal numerals and the word “edition,” both in the language of the publication. When there is more than one location for a single publisher, the first or most prominent is indicated. When the place and the publisher cannot be identified, both expressions are used, abbreviated and enclosed in square brackets: [s.l.: s.n.]. If no date of publication, distribution, copyright or printing can be determined, an approximate date must be written in square brackets. Months should be abbreviated in the original language of the publication. Divisions of years into quarters, semesters, etc., to indicate the date of publications must also be abbreviated. In addition to the traditional elements, the reference to documents consulted online must include the DOI and, if it does not have one, it must indicate the electronic address (URL) preceded by the expression “Available from:” and the date the document was accessed preceded by the expression “Accessed on:”.


  • Books (one author)

FRIGOTTO, G. Educação e a crise do capitalismo real. 4. ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2000.

  • Books (two authors)

BABIN, P.; KOULOUMDJIAN, M. Os novos modelos de compreender: a geração do audiovisual e do computador. São Paulo: Paulinas, 1989.

  • Book chapter

OLIVEIRA, F. Neoliberalismo à brasileira. In: GENTILI, P. (Org.). Pós-neoliberalismo: as políticas sociais e o estado democrático. Rio de Janeiro: Paz & Terra, 1995. p. 29-34.

  • Journal articles (with more than 3 authors)

PODSAKOFF, P. M. et al. Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers’ trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Leadership Quarterly, Greenwich, Conn., v. 1, n. 2, p. 107-142, 1990.

  • Thesis

CARVALHO, W. L. P. O ensino das ciências sob a perspectiva da criatividade: uma análise fenomenológica. 1991. 302f. Thesis (Doctorate in Education) - Faculdade de Educação. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 1992.

  • Online journal articles

CURY, C. R. J. Do público e do privado na Constituição de 1988 e nas Leis Educacionais. Educação & Sociedade, Campinas, v. 39, n. 145, p. 870-889, 2018.

  • Books in electronic format

BANCO MUNDIAL. Um ajuste justo: análise da eficiência e equidade do gasto público no Brasil. [S. l.]: Grupo Banco Mundial, 2017. (Volume I: Síntese) Available from: Accessed on: 15 May 2020.

  • Signed article (newspapers)

DIMENSTEIN, G. Escola da vida. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 14 July 2002. Folha Campinas, p. 2.

FERNANDES, A.; ANDRADE, R. Importados pagarão mais Cofins e PIS a partir de maio., São Paulo, 27 Jan. 2004. Available at:,importados-pagarao-cofins-e-pis-a-partir-de-maio,20040127p17497. Access on: 28 Jan. 2004.

  • Unsigned article (Newspapers)

FUNGOS e chuva ameaçam livros históricos. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 5 July 2002. Cotidiano, p. 6.

  • Decrees and Laws

BRAZIL. Decreto n. 2.134, de 24 de janeiro de 1997. Regulamenta o art. 23 da Lei n. 8.159, de 8 de janeiro de 1991, que dispõe sobre a categoria dos documentos públicos sigilosos e o acesso a eles, e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União: section 1, Brasília, DF, n. 18, p. 1435-1436, 27 Jan. 1997.

  • Federal Constitution

BRAZIL. [Constitution (1988)]. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. Brasília, DF: Federal Senate, 1988.

  • Official report

UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANÁ. Report 1999. [Curitiba: UFPR], 1979. Mimeographed.

  • Videos

VILLA-LOBOS: o índio de casaca. Rio de Janeiro: Manchete Vídeo, 1987. 1 videotape (120 min.), VHS, son., color.

  • Articles published in Conference Proceedings

PARO, V.H. Administração escolar e qualidade do ensino: o que os pais ou responsáveis têm a ver com isso? In: SIMPOSIO BRASILEIRO DE POLÍTICA E ADMINISTRAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO, 18., 1997, Porto Alegre. Proceedings [...]. Porto Alegre, EdiPUCRS, 1997. p. 303-314.


In the revisions requested by the reviewers, always use Word's correction mechanism, so that the changes are highlighted in color, making it easier to check.

Preparation of texts for editing

After a manuscript is approved, the editorial office will request the information for the sections:

Author's Contribution: Cognitio endorses the CRediT taxonomy of contributor roles and each author's contribution to each of the following roles must be stated as follows: Conceptualization; Methodology; Investigation; Writing – Original Draft; Writing – Review and Editing; Funding Acquisition; Resources; and Supervision.

Acknowledgements: Individuals or institutions that have contributed to a work, who, however, were not of sufficient magnitude to warrant attribution of authorship, must be identified in this section.

Funding: Authors of accepted articles must inform the financial support received for the preparation of the research that originated the article. The name of the funding agency must be written in full, followed by the grant number. If the research was not funded by a specific project grant, the following information must be included: "This research did not receive a specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or nonprofit sectors.

Research Data Availability Statement: The research data in a paper must be under the aegis of availability policies, noting that use of the data will be encouraged according to standard practice in the humanities. So, as long as the research data are deposited in a repository, the author must cite the name of the repository and the DOI of the deposited data. In cases where data was not deposited, the author agrees to provide the data upon request, and may also state that all data was generated or analyzed in the present work, or that it is not applicable.

Conflict of interest: If there is any kind of conflict of interest involved or any issue involving ethics, it should be explicitly mentioned and the responsibility taken, in order to make it clear that the author has taken care of the ethical procedures linked to the research and the writing of the text.