Children” and “Teachers”? Social pragmatic


  • Ubiratan Garcia Vieira Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS, Campus Chapecó


Societal pragmatics, education, people with disabilities, naming


Supported by Kanavillil Rajagopalan’s theses on the political character of every representation, for there are choices being made, and by Howard Becker’s theses on the appropriateness of every representation to certain social conditions of making and use, I present a refl ection on the uses of the terms “kids” and “teachers”, observed during extension activities held in a care institution for disabled people. This institution is not a school, but instead of seeking to answer whether or not these designations correspond to “reality,” I sought to understand the reality that corresponds the use of these designations. I conclude that the uses of the designations “kids” and “teachers” both show the marginal position that the institution holds in the municipal education system and demand, for those involved, including the extension team, the need to decide wich are the most appropriate terms to use in this context.

How to Cite

Vieira, U. G. (2017). Children” and “Teachers”? Social pragmatic. DELTA: Documentação E Estudos Em Linguística Teórica E Aplicada, 32(3). Retrieved from


