Transcreation Strategies in Dubbing a Humorous Hybrid-Text Type Advert into Arabic - Is Vernacular the Panacea?




transcreation, dubbing, strategies, Arabic diglossia, hybrid text


Adapting advertisements across distant languages and cultures poses challenges due to their heavy cultural context. Complicating matters, some ads mix various text types and genres. This study explores strategies for translating a humor-laden, hybrid-text ad into Arabic through dubbing. It investigates the effectiveness of different Arabic variants. The case study is an audiovisual ad by, featuring a cartoon Homer from The Simpsons, created to raise colon cancer awareness. Animation often escapes criticism due to its surreal nature, unlike real depictions that might be distasteful. Using Skopos Theory, the translations were analyzed, focusing on the decision-making process in creating functionally suitable versions for Arab audiences. A Think Aloud Protocol gathered data on participants’ decision agency during translation, validating choices. Most translators (80%) preferred Arabic vernacular, employing domestication (adaptation) as a macro-strategy and cultural substitution as a micro-strategy. Humor transfer succeeded best in Arabic vernacular, reinforcing its suitability for various text types and genres.


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How to Cite

YAHIAOUI, R. (2023). Transcreation Strategies in Dubbing a Humorous Hybrid-Text Type Advert into Arabic - Is Vernacular the Panacea?. DELTA: Documentação E Estudos Em Linguística Teórica E Aplicada, 39(4).