Value lesser bodies, a society of the surplus-value:
a socio historical discussion about people with disabilities cultural birth
Disability People. Cultural Birth. Socio-HistoricalAbstract
Understanding that the disability person birth (congenital or not) there is a specific cultural event (PINO, 2005): that of the disabling individual problem, this essay aims to: analyze, from a Socio-Historical argumentation (VIGOTSKI, 1997;2001;2008), the mediations that determine and mark the disability people. Our conclusions point us to the necessity of understanding this mediations , which are cultural, economic and social - in addition to denouncing and redefining them from a collective effort - in order to transform the historical genesis and opacity of the real, by detaching the meaning of minus, failure, or limit implied in the cultural birth of a life with disability. Although the resolution of such implications it is not the focus of this essay, it can be comprehended as a step to understand that the issue must be faced as a socio-historical and consequently political struggle in the search for overcoming the ideologies that daily rape and kill disabilities people.