Genre analysis: schools and trends since John Swales to present
genre analysis, academic writing, discourse communities, discourse genres, genre-based teachingAbstract
Aim: To identify and describe the schools of analysis of discursive genres that have been useful for academic reading and writing teaching programs. Methodology: a documentary review was carried out through the content analysis technique and the What Work Clearinghouse (WWC) protocol. The authors analyzed books and scientific articles discussing the subject from the end of the 20th century to the present. The categories of analysis were: epistemological bases, characteristics, and methodological approaches proposed by each school. Results: The authors identified and described seven schools; they range from the pioneers to those considered as emerging. Conclusions: Although the schools are different, they are all oriented to the knowledge and mastery of discursive genres, and the convergences among them make their choice not exclusive. Hence, professionals can assume an eclectic position according to the objectives of their courses.
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