Politically charged correction


  • Ivan Paganotti FIAM-FAAM - Centro Universitário


political correctness, Folha de S. Paulo, discourse analysis.


This book analyzes the origins and transformations of discourses around the term “politically correctness”. The book evaluates 149 articles and opinion articles published by Folha de S. Paulo since 1990, chronologically reconstructing three different moments: at first, this term is imported from American culture as a “trend,” or an individual behavior; then, it is represented as a cultural “movement” from the left, with political objectives to combat discrimination through the replacement of offensive words; finally, as an “ideology” adopted by a group that conquers power structures that could threaten free speech. The book assesses the relationship between the Folha newspaper’ predominantly critical position against politically correct practices, and the emergence of an influential discourse in the opposite political field, which supports politically incorrectness. 


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Author Biography

Ivan Paganotti, FIAM-FAAM - Centro Universitário

Professor do Mestrado Profissional em Jornalismo do FIAM-FAAM Centro Universitário e doutor em Ciências da Comunicação pela USP, com estágio doutoral na Universidade do Minho (Braga/Portugal, Capes). E-mail: ivan.paganotti@fiamfaam.br




