Sensitive presences on interactional processes


  • Kati Eliane Caetano UTP


aesthetic experience, aesthesia, musical state


The activation of sensitive components in communication relations, either under the action of mediatic strategies or as a result of the interactional structure inherent to network exchanges, reinvigorates the discussion about the role of aesthetic experience in Communication, as well as, paradoxically, its unfolding in the assertion of a crisis of the aesthetic experience. Aiming to overcome a simplistic opposition between sensation and cognition, the present study recaptures two fundamental concepts of the aesthetic definition in communication, in order to re-dimension them in the ambit of that polemic, may it the one of aesthesia or the one of exceptionality, which are then treated in terms of an intelligibility of the sensitive. From this point of view, the question of sense is not translated into hermeneutical character readings; it comprehends indeed forms of presence in the world from which regimes of signification derive, and which is manifested over a musical and necessarily interactional way.


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Author Biography

Kati Eliane Caetano, UTP

Docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Linguagens da Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, doutora em Letras.





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