Extolling the event


  • Claude Zilberberg


mode, occurrence, achievement, concession, implication


This article investigates the interdependence between discourse and event. The repercussion of the event lies in the fact that it syncretizes three different semiotic modes: (i) efficiency, which links occurrence and achievement; (ii) existence, which connects projective intent and retrospective apprehension; (iii) and junction, which correlates concession and implication. Considering these correlations, the analysis of the event leads to the definition of event = occurrence + apprehension + concession. The plausible correlated term for event, exercise, is analyzed and defined symmetrically and inversely to the former one, i.e., exercise = achievement + intent + implication. If the event is the core of the discourse, this is undoubtedly due to the fact that it selects a marked term for each mode.


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Author Biography

Claude Zilberberg

O professor Claude Zilberberg, co-diretor do Séminaire Intersémiotique de Paris, é um dos mais eminentes semioticistas em atividade. Podem ser mencionadas, entre suas muitas publicações, as seguintes obras: Essai sur les modalités tensives (John Benjamins, 1981), L'essor du poème. Information rythmique (Phoriques, 1985), Semiótica tensiva y formas de vida (Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 1999), Ensayos sobre semiótica tensiva (Universidad de Lima/FCE, 2000), Tensão e Significação (co-autoria com J. Fontanille, Discurso Editorial/Humanitas, 2001), Sémiotique et esthétique (org., com F. Parouty-David, PULIM, 2003), Razão e Poética do Sentido (EDUSP, 2006), Semiótica tensiva (Universidad de Lima, 2006), Éléments de grammaire tensive (PULIM, 2006).





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