Qotd by @umairh: colletive intelligence on Twitter


  • Renata Lemos PUC SP


inteligência coletiva, twitter, redes sociais, mídias móveis, microblogging


This article analyzes the innovative use of microblogging site Twitter as a space of social dynamics of collective intelligence and collaborative idea design. Using digital ethnography as methodology, the processes of evolution of a mobile and international community evolution are observed from the point of view of social and media intertwining allowed by functionality and applications of Twitter. Qotd dynamics of collective intelligence, designed by Umair Haque, is our case of study and provides a rich example of theoretical and practical implications of multimodal networks within Twitter, highlighting contemporary mutations of media strategies of sociability


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Author Biography

Renata Lemos, PUC SP

Renata Lemos é professora do Departamento de Relações Internacionais da UNIVALI e aluna do Programa de Doutorado em Comunicação e Semiótica da PUC SP. Sua formação é transdisciplinar, integrando arte, espiritualidade, ciência e tecnologia.





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