A theoretical guidance for the cultural practice of social cooperation


  • Thomas Bauer Universidade de Viena


culture, diversity, communication.


The purpose of this article is to reflect critically on the issue of cultural diversity, supported by cultural theories and aspects of communication. Culture is perceived as a circular process that involves variety, plurality and crossing different perspectives, not limited to specific and targeted theories. In this sense and af liated with culture, diversity is expressed as plural and hybrid organism, projected in communicative processes in which the other (diversity) is a constituent intrinsic part. Being, therefore, communication another face of culture (and vice versa), we af rm that one of media’s purpose is to provide critical re ections about society, widening the debate on diversity and configuring its hybrid and plural character. 


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Author Biography

Thomas Bauer, Universidade de Viena

Thomas Bauer é professor emérito da Universidade de Viena. Foi diretor da Faculdade de Ciências da Comunicação e professor convidado de numerosas universidades estrangeiras na Ásia, na América e na Europa. É autor, entre outros livros, de Kommunikation wissenschaftlich denken.Perspektiven einer kontextuellen Theorie gesellschaftlicher Verständigung (2014) (Pensar a comunicação como ciência. Perspectivas de uma teoria contextual do entendimento social). 






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