Photography, record without document



photography trail, genealogy, event, Revolt of 1924.


This paper proposes to think of another possible story told by photographs about the Revolt of 1924, understanding them as different narratives about the event in question. In this sense, it studies the transgression of the traditional concept of photography as a document of reality. It is observed that photography promotes another type of narrative that goes beyond the record as historical documentation. For this, the paper is based on concepts and reflections brought by various authors, such as Carlo Ginzburg on the concept of trail, François Dosse e Mauricio Lazzarato, about the concept of event, Joan Fontcuberta, Vilém Flusser and Walter Benjamin, who permeate the discussions about
photography, Lucrécia D´Alessio Ferrara, on the issues related to communication, in addition to the bibliography on the Revolt of 1924.


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Author Biography

Maria Cecilia Conte Carboni, Universidade Paulista - UNIP Centro Universitário FAM - Faculdade das Americas

Maria Cecilia Conte Carboni é professora da Universidade Paulista e do Centro Universitário FAM. É doutora pela Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e semiótica da Pontifícia universidade Católica de São Paulo. É jornalista e roteirista e membro do ESPACC – Espaço Visualidades Comunicação e Cultura





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