Semiotic operation of the gender category: proposal for a theoretical-methodological model



gender semiotics, semiotic square, gender identity, themes and figures, axiology.


This paper discusses theoretical approaches of discursive semiotics and gender studies and proposes a model for the analysis of the gender category in texts and discourses, based on the square that structures the fundamental relations of meaning. To support the proposal, the work presents concepts from gender studies, such as the difference between identity and expression and the non-stability of the normative identities “woman” and “man”; it shows the pertinence of considering feminine and masculine as themes constituted by content and expression figures; it rescues and discusses semiotic squares of gender and sexuality published in canonical texts. The model, which is intended for general operation, presents four modes of articulation between the terms feminine and masculine, which comprise four areas in which the most diverse gender identities can be located: bigenderity, agenderity, super masculinity, and super femininity. 

Author Biography

Adriana Tulio Baggio, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

Publicitária (UFPR), mestre em Letras (UFPB), doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica (PUC-SP), com pós-doutorado em Tecnologia e Sociedade (UTFPR). Pesquisadora do Centro de Pesquisas Sociossemióticas (PUC-SP). Graduanda em Letras – Italiano, Estudos Literários (UFPR). Redatora, revisora e tradutora italiano-português.





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