Communication mediated by the media and construction of subjectivity:

theoretical notes



subjectivity; media; mediatization; modes of subjectivation.


This article proposes a theoretical reflection on the implications of the social uses and appropriations of the media in the construction of subjectivity. Assuming that subjectivity is a historical fabric and engendered in interactions, it seeks to point out dimensions in which communication mediated by technical devices can constitute modes of subjectivation. Therefore, the work is divided into three parts. In the first, we outline what we understand by subject, subjectivity and modes of subjectivation. Next, we show the influence, over time, of mediated communication in the transformation of the symbolic character of social life and in the construction of what we share as reality. Finally, we bring to the scene the context of deep mediatization and the changes in subjectivity. Based on a literature review and of a critical-analytical nature, the work articulates studies of communication, social theory and philosophy to indicate that the conditions of communication reverberate in the conditions of production of ways of life.

Author Biography

Claudiane Oliveira Carvalho, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Doutora e mestre em Comunicação e Cultura Contemporâneas pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Docente do Centro Universitário Social da Bahia.


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