Albert Camus’ journalistic thinking about the Algerian issue



Albert Camus, Algeria, France, Journalism History, History of the Journalistic Thinking


This paper is dedicated to analysing Albert Camus's journalistic thinking on the Algerian issue. It is taken into account that during the Algerian War, Camus was imputed as a figure who defended the colonial policy (or accused of not having the capacity to assume a position), while, as discovered in the examination, during the 1940s, in a certain extent, French journalists accused him of colluding in the face of attacks by nationalist groups. Backed by a methodology based, in particular, on the writings of Pocock (2013), it was observed that Camus's primary concern was the guarantee of a democratic state. The Algerian warned about the rise of nationalism while demanding historical reparation from France and underlined the responsibility of the French with regard to the status quo at the time in the northern region of the African continent.

Author Biography

Arthur Freire Simões Pires, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Arthur Freire Simões Pires é doutorando e mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graudação em Comunicação Social da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGCOM/PUCRS) e graduado em Jornalismo pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas(UFPel). Vegetariano, latino-americano e camusiano. Acredita que, tal qual escreveu Albert Camus, "calar-se é deixar que acreditem que não se julga nem se deseja nada, e em certos casos é, na realidade, nada desejar".


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