Um acerto de contas entre Latour e a Semiótica?



Bruno Latour, Semiotics, Scientific discourse, Enunciation, Actor-network theory


A settling between Latour and Semiotics? Semiotics is a field of study frequently visited by other disciplines. One of the researchers who assumes semiotic concepts and who has found great visibility and repercussions in the human and social sciences is undoubtedly Bruno Latour, a French sociologist responsible, among other things, for analyzing scientific discourse and for developing the actor-network theory. The book Inchiesta sulle reti di senso: Bruno Latour nella svolta semiotica, written by Paolo Peverini, proposes precisely to highlight possible correlations between the semiotic theory and Latour’s work. The mission assumed by this publication is actually double: if, on the one hand, it intends to clarify how semiotic concepts initially elaborated by Algirdas Julien Greimas and his collaborators were retaken in Latour’s investigations, giving back to them their due credit, on the other hand, it also intends to open new investigative possibilities in the field of Semiotics itself, by imagining how themes discussed by Latour can impact future developments of semiotic works.

Author Biography

Marc Barreto Bogo, Pós-doc CNPq / CPS / La Sapienza

Marc Barreto Bogo é designer gráfico por formação, mestre e doutor em Comunicação e Semiótica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), com doutorado em cotutela na Université de Limoges (França). Atualmente, é pesquisador de pós-doutorado na La Sapienza Università di Roma (Itália), com financiamento do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). É professor palestrante no Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo e pesquisador no Centro de Pesquisas Sociossemióticas (CPS) da PUC-SP.


GREIMAS, A. J. Pragmatique et sémiotique. Actes Sémiotiques - Documents, v. 50, 1984.

LANDOWSKI, E. et al. Profession : sémioticiens. II. Import / export en 2023. Acta Semiotica, III, 5, 2023, p. 247-264.

LATOUR, B.; FABBRI, P. La rhétorique de la science. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, v. 13, 1977, p. 81-95.

LATOUR, B. “Piccola filosofia dell’enunciazione”. In: BASSO, P.; CORRAIN, L. (Orgs.) Eloquio del senso: dialoghi semiotici per Paolo Fabbri. Genova: Costa & Nolan, 1999, p. 71-94.

PEVERINI, P. Inchiesta sulle reti di senso: Bruno Latour nella svolta semiotica. Milano: Meltemi, 2023.




