Territorialities and temporalities abigarradas in the memory narratives from the Projeto Moradores
territorialities, temporalities, memory, narrative, cityAbstract
Considering the stages Belo Horizonte and Lagoinha of Projeto Moradores, a cultural project focused on collecting oral narratives from citizens, this article intends to reflect on the relationship between territorialities and temporalities that are inferred and put into friction in its narratives. It initially proposes a reflection on the concept of space and time, and then calls on the notion of “abigarrado”, proposed by Rivera Cusicanqui (2015; 2018), to think about the relationship between these two instances, since it allows us to take them in their non-appeasing coexistence. With this in mind, it seeks to look at how the project proposes its own way of thinking about the city, which becomes re-territorialized in the virtual space where the project is located.
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