From tertiary to quaternary

means that consume bodies/bodies that consume means



bodies, media, media network


Based on Harry Pross’ 1972 classification of primary, secondary, and tertiary media and how these affect, influence, and have influenced our lives, the present work will try to understand how our bodies are transformed in a world close to a quaternary of means, mediations and devices. These Transformations are no longer necessarily only physical, but also psychological and emotional, hyperactivating new ways of linking with technologies and how they relate to bodies. That is, bodies consume images through media production and, in turn and as characteristics of the mediate quaternary world, these images begin to consume bodies. Bodies that are dismembered by the excessive presence of images, leaving aside their vital corporality and entering fully into their representation, transparency and disappearance since the iconic blur, which, along with Baitello Junior (2014), we can interpret as the radicality of a nildimensional era of iconophagy: images eat bodies.

Author Biography

Rodrigo Browne Sartori, Universidad Austral de Chile y Universidad de La Frontera

Doctor en Estudios Culturales Comunicación y Literatura por la Universidad de Sevilla (2003), Magíster en Comunicación por la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (Huelva, 2000) y Licenciado en Comunicación Social por la Universidad de Playa Ancha (Valparaíso-Chile, 1996), con estudios de postdoctorado en la Universidad de Ginebra (Suiza). Actualmente ejerce como docente e investigador del Instituto de Comunicación Social de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) y como Director del Doctorado en Comunicación impartido por la UACh y la Universidad de La Frontera (Temuco). Además, pertenece a la Red Latina de Teorías Críticas en Comunicación y Cultura (CRITICOM).


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