The concessive-comparative construction “até que para/pra X, Y” and its relation with the perpetuation of masculine stereotypes
Cognitive Linguistics, Construction Grammar, Frame Semantics, StereotypesAbstract
In this article, we describe the syntactic and semantic-pragmatic aspects of the concessive-comparative construction "ATÉ QUE PARA/PRA X, Y" through the theoretical assumptions of Construction Grammar (GOLDBERG, 1995) and Frame Semantics (FILLMORE, 1982). In the analysis, it was used real utterances of the construction, collected through the Google search engine. Our data was methodologically systematized, resulting in nine thematic groups. In this article, we analyzed utterances from age range, geographic and professional group, aiming to observe the relation of the construction with the perpetuation of stereotypes according to the social psychology (MAISONNEUVE, 1977; MOSCOVICI, 2015).
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Copyright (c) 2021 Hilen Pulinho Alves, Gabriela da Silva Pires
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