Learning opportunities and limitations in a Basic Education Language Teaching Project from the perspective of multiliteracies
digital technologies, activity theory, multiliteraciesAbstract
This paper identified learning opportunities and limitations in a teaching proposal of English and literature from a multiliteracies perspective. An analysis based on Activity Theory shows that the proposal promoted multiliteracies and language learning as a social practice, but it was limited by a) low commitment to the division of labor; b) little collaboration from the school community to enable the use of digital technologies; c) students’ rejection of the object of study; d) non-resignification of mobile devices as pedagogical resource; e) lack of conscious choices in the appropriation process; and f) use of the Portuguese language.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Denise Ismenia Bossa Grassano Ortenzi, Michele Salles El Kadri, Pedro Américo Rodrigues Santana, Gabrieli Rombaldi, Maria Paula Pereira Lima, Larissa de Souza Amorin
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