Missa do Galo by Machado de Assis
and the Implied Evaluativity a Systemic-Functional Linguistics approach
Missa do Galo, Lexicogrammatical choices, Systemic-Functional Linguistics, Critical LinguisticsAbstract
Missa do Galo is a tale written by Machado de Assis which deals with a dialogue taken between Nogueira, a young pensioner, and Conceição, the hostess, during a Christmas Night, which a simple conversation can present a sublime and indirect game, apparently banal, but that intrigues Nogueira. This study is based on Systemic-Functional Linguistics, which offers a specific analytical tool for the systematic examination of the motivations, purposes, assumptions and interests of the text's producers and aims to critically analyze the lexicogrammatical choices made in the short story in order to unravel what underlies the dialogue between the characters.The objective of this article is the critical analysis of the lexicographic choices made in Missa do Galo tale in order to unravel what underlies the dialogue between Conceição and Nogueira. ed intention. In this sense, this study has the support of Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SLF), which offers a specific analytical instrument for the systematic examination of the motivations, purposes, assumptions and interest of the text producers.
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