Mapping of prosodic variation in Amazonian varieties
interdialetal analysis of Portuguese spoken in Cametá (PA) Mocajuba (PA), Parintins (AM) and Borba (AM)
Amper-Por Project, Prosody, Acoustic Analysis, Intonational Analysis, Prosody in the AmazonAbstract
This work contains the main results of an interdialectal prosodic description of four Amazonian varieties (COSTA, 2020), being linked to the Amper-Por project. It takes as object of study the modal intonation of sentences of neutral declarative and total interrogative type. By means of acoustic and dialetometric analyses, it was sought to observe whether four Amazonian dialects present some prosodic similarity. For the recording and processing of the acoustic data all the methodological procedures established by the Amper-Por project (CRUZ et al., 2012) were adopted. From the interpretation of the results it is possible to state that the physical parameter of f0 is an acoustic correlate that acts in the distinction of sentences in the declarative neutral and total interrogative modality, as well as in the characterization of the varieties studied.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Maria Sebastiana da Silva Costa, Regina Célia Fernandes Cruz
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