Tocantis PROUCA interdisciplinarity atitude


  • Rosária Helena Ruiz Nakashima Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)
  • Valdirene Gomes dos Santos de Jesus Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT)
  • Xaieny Luiza de Souza Oliveira Franco


teachers’ training, educational, laptop, interdisciplinarity


This text deals with the contributions of PROUCA-UFT / Tocantins to strengthen interdisciplinary attitudes at the Municipal School of Don Cornelius Chizzini, in the municipality of Araguaína. Teachers and school management team, participating in the program of the training process, have focused on the possibility to innovate, reframing their teaching practices, supported by the resources of educational laptop, including Interdisciplinarity as a necessary attitude to teaching processes and significant learning.



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