Night College in Brazil: study to work or work to study?


  • Armando Terribili Filho


Night College, insertion in the workplace, student-worker


Out of 4,453,156 higher education enrollments in Brazil, 60.1% involve night college programs. The number is high for this type of education system and has increased annually, as the system allows students to work by day to earn money for college. This fact has demanded that the workeducation relationship become closer, thus leading Private Higher Education Institutions to give high priority to the “professional development” of their students. The State should give job creation incentives by means of public policies; companies should contribute to professional specialization of their employees and the education system should offer – besides professional development – human and citizen development. The speed of technological evolution nowadays has imposed a continuous process of changes and adaptations on a globalized and neoliberal economy, which holds the state, corporations and the school on its frail tripod.

Author Biography

Armando Terribili Filho

Armando Terribili Filho é diretor de projetos da Unisys Brasil, mestre em Administração de Empresas e doutor em Educação pela UNESP/Marília (SP); é professor da Faculdade de Administração e da Faculdade de Computação e Informática da FAAP – São Paulo (SP), onde também atua como docente e coordenador de cursos de pós-graduação.

How to Cite

Terribili Filho, A. (2012). Night College in Brazil: study to work or work to study?. Pensamento &Amp; Realidade, 22. Retrieved from


