Green marketing:

a look at the tensions of greenwashing and the responsible construction of the Sallve brand


  • VIVIAN COSTA Universidade de Fortaleza
  • Mariana Santos Ribeiro Nobre
  • Magda Helena de Araújo Maia



Greenwashing, Green Marketing, Sustainability, Sallve


This article aims to delve into one of the marketing tools, whose use has been growing in recent years, the so-called Green Marketing. This tool is no longer an option, but a necessity to be implemented throughout a company. In this research, greenwashing, its context and the ethical implications of using this method will be addressed. The construction of a responsible green marketing, what kind of marketing tool is it and its importance in the current market. To better understand this tool, its operation will be shown in practice through the case study of the cosmetics company Sallve. After completing the research, we verified that the Sallve brand assertively executes green marketing and shows that it is possible to prosper in the market, valuing not only the public but also sustainability.


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How to Cite

COSTA, V., Santos Ribeiro Nobre, M. ., & Helena de Araújo Maia, M. . (2024). Green marketing:: a look at the tensions of greenwashing and the responsible construction of the Sallve brand. Ponto-E-Vírgula, (32).