Students’ voices and difficulties in mathematics at school: inclusion and psychopedagogical practice




Inclusive education, School practices, Mathematics, Voices, Psycho-pedagogical practice


The consensus in inclusive education publications is pointed, with emphases at: the relationship between inclusive education, school practices and research; the concept of diversity; the importance of students’ voices on the processes of inclusion/exclusion. It is described a study which focus was the voices of two pairs of students in the 5th grade (elementary school) aged 12 and 14 years, both pointed with learning difficulties and a pair diagnosed with cerebral palsy and mental deficiency. They were interviewed about theirs school history, school and good student conceptions, students’ skills and learning difficulties, social relationships. Independent of diagnosis is demonstrated the negative conceptions on their own performance in learning school mathematics and their difficulty in understanding the meaning of numbers, operations and the decimal numbers system. The results are discussed while supporting the psychopedagogical practice as a procedure for the development of conceptual skills.


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