Historical Relationships between Psychology and Education in Paraguai


  • José E. García Universidad Nacional de Itapúa


History of Psychology in Paraguay, Psychology in Latin America, Education and Psychology, Psychology of the Active School


Paraguayan psychology on the preuniversitary period nourish itself from two main intellectual sources: sociological studies and education. From this second source, the first discussions emerged on the last years of the XIX century, gaining a greater importance on the beginings of the XX century. Deepening on this point, in this article the main works of six educators that contribute to the development of psychology in Paraguay are analysed: Francisco Tapia, Juan Ramón Dalhquist, Ramón Indalecio Cardozo, Manuel Riquelme, María Felicidad González and Emilio Uzcátegui. The pedagogical conceptions of these authors and the psychological ideas exposed in their writings are studied in a general way. Their place as the pioneers of psychology in the country is evaluated too. At the end we argue about the relevancy of consider the scientific work of these educators as a unified tradition for paraguayan psychology.




