High Performance in Brazil: A Systematic Review





High performance, Effort, Task


This article intends to do a narrative-systematic review, using PRISMA recommendation, on "high performance" construct, as translated by most authors, "alto desempenho". The research in national journals published between 2010-2019 found 319 articles, but only eight were considered in the analysis. The review indicated that "high performance" construct lacks a definition in national publications. "Alto desempenho" has a strong bias towards efficiency and effectiveness with effort and task vision. This article investigates the broadened view international publications have of what performance is as a set of skills, knowledge, processes, and talents. It is possible to see articles published in Brazil adopt different data collection and analysis methods, are exploratory, and have minimal consensus on performance construct.


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Author Biographies

Luis Fernando Torres, Universidade Metodista São Paulo - UMESP

Psicologia e Prevenção da Saúde

Maria do Carmo Fernandes Martins, Universidade Metodista São Paulo - UMESP

Psicologia e Prevenção da Saúde


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2021-05-05 — Updated on 2021-10-09


How to Cite

Torres, L. F., & Martins, M. do C. F. (2021). High Performance in Brazil: A Systematic Review. Management in Dialogue Review, 23(2), 57–77. https://doi.org/10.23925/2178-0080.2021v23i2.49798 (Original work published May 5, 2021)