Collaborative Rideshare in Virtual Communities: The Role of the Conscience of Collectivism and Discontent with Public Transport Services




Collaborative Ride, Collaborative Consumption, Virtual Communities, Collective Awareness, Discontent with Services


This research sought to identify the influence that Collective Awareness (CC) and Discontent with Public Transport Services (DSTP) can generate on the intention to participate in collaborative rides in virtual communities. Thus, the quantitative descriptive and inferential approach was used, with the online survey as a strategy for applying structured questionnaires, reaching of 129 participants, validated according to the research criteria. Therefore, the data were verified through multiple regression analysis, identifying that of the two constructs pointed out in the theoretical model as possible influencers; even considering existing negative factors of the DSTP, only the CC presented a significant result in the intention to participate. This research investigated a phenomenon little studied in collaborative consumption in the social and market context. The information presented helps to understand the behavior of this public and meet their needs by the service sectors.


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Author Biography

Álison Lima Macêdo, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE

Mestrando em Gestão, Inovação e Consumo pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, formado em Design pela mesma instituição. Possui experiência na área de Design com ênfase em Moda. Atua principalmente em atividades e pesquisas relacionadas à modelagem e à moulage, ao consumo de moda, além das práticas comportamentais do consumidor na contemporaneidade.


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How to Cite

Macêdo, Álison L., Pinheiro, E. M., Filho, J. M. P., & Costa, M. F. (2021). Collaborative Rideshare in Virtual Communities: The Role of the Conscience of Collectivism and Discontent with Public Transport Services. Management in Dialogue Review, 23(2), 78–96.