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Strategic Pathology of Sports and Youth Departments of Hamadan Province in the Field of Sports Based on the SWOT Model, Iran


  • Bisotoon Azizi Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Piranshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Piranshahr, Iran Corresponding Author: Email: ORCID ID:
  • Rasoul Monem PhD student in Sports Management, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran Email: ORCID ID:
  • Mohammad Mohammadi Lecture, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran Email: ORCID ID:


Palabras clave:

Strategic Pathology, Sports and Youth Departments, Hamadan Province, SWOT Analysis


This study's purpose was to understand the strategic pathology of sports and youth departments of Hamadan province, Iran, based on the SWOT model. The research  method is a survey. The method used was a survey, and a sample was made up of  135 people. 12 sports experts confirmed questionnaire validity (Alpha Cronbach α = 0.89). The analysis compares the averages and Friedman test and to determine the strategic position, internal factor evaluation matrices (IFE), external factor evaluation (EFE), and internal and external matrix (IE). In this regard, it is concluded that; Hamadan sports policymakers and those involved in sports should focus more on using the existing opportunities by using their internal strengths in two areas: public sports and championships.


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Cómo citar

Azizi, B., Monem, R., & Mohammadi, M. (2021). Strategic Pathology of Sports and Youth Departments of Hamadan Province in the Field of Sports Based on the SWOT Model, Iran. Revista Administração Em Diálogo - RAD, 23(2), 42–56.