How Complex Is It To Understand Complexity?

A systematic study of complexity and decision making


  • Carolina Schneider Bender Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
  • Mauri Leodir Lobler Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)


Mots-clés :

Decision-making, Complexity, Complex decision-making


Humans face complexity in the most routine decisions, such as choosing the toppings of a pizza, and essential decisions in life, such as choosing the courses offered at graduate school and career decisions. This paper explores the interconnection between complexity and decision-making as scientific knowledge. The researchers used the technique of scientific mapping to achieve the research objective. The results show that research involving complexity and decision making are still necessary. The annual growth rate of scientific production related to these two topics is 12.12%. Career decision-making is a well-developed theme and essential in the research dynamics. Researchers can conduct more studies on the emerging theme of shared decision-making.


Chargements des métriques ...


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Comment citer

Bender, C. S. ., & Leodir Lobler, M. (2023). How Complex Is It To Understand Complexity? A systematic study of complexity and decision making. Revista Administração Em Diálogo - RAD, 25(1), 64–84.