Método de cálculo de reajuste por variação de custos para contratos de planos de saúde suplementar a partir da teoria credibidade
Cost Prediction, Readjustments, Credibility Theory, Supplementary Health, Actuarial SciencesAbstract
The estimation of the percentage of adjustment for cost variation in health plan contracts is still a subjective process in the actuarial environment. The accident rate analysis, normally used as a tool in this process, can result in a biased adjustment, given the asymmetry in the probabilistic distribution of care cost data in this sector. Thus, this study aimed to develop a method of calculation for the readjustment percentage based on the Credibility Theory. For this, data from a large health care provider were used. It was concluded that the average loss ratio per contract would be 73%, which is lower than the observed loss ratio, allowing us to infer that the proposed method proved to be adequate, as, in addition to being coherent, presenting statistical and actuarial basis, it allowed for a satisfactory calculation of the readjustment, contributing both to the academic community and to the supplementary health sector, considering that this study can be the basis for calculating the readjustment that operators apply in their contracts. As limitations, the study used a historical database referring to 12 months, which can impact the efficiency of the statistical prediction model due to high variability and unpredictability scenarios.
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