Main differences in ESG metrics and its impacts on ratings of Brazilian banks
ESG, Ratings, Environmental, Social, Governance, Indicators, BanksAbstract
The objective of this article was to demonstrate the main divergences between the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) metrics used by rating agencies and the impacts of these divergences on the ESG indicators of Brazilian banks. From the comparison of differences in methodology, scope and weights used by two of the largest international rating companies (Refinitiv and S&P) it was possible to observe differences in the result of the indicators. These divergences can make it difficult for institutions to assess ESG aspects related to the interests of all stakeholders in an organization, as provided for in the Stakeholder Theory. The ESG indicators of the four largest Brazilian banks were analyzed and divergences were verified in the weights adopted by the rating agencies for the indicators related to the Social (32% and 49.6%) and Governance (55% and 36%) factors, in addition to divergences criteria in all components. Finally, it was possible to demonstrate that these divergences influenced the scores attributed by rating agencies to the banks, which can make it difficult for users of the information to perform an accurate analysis, whether they large investors or even society that expects to receive returns in exchange for the status of legitimacy conferred to the organization.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Antonio Martiningo Filho, Agatha Kovalek de Lima, Vinicius Alves dos Santos Pereira, Ducineli Regis Botelho
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