


Church, Puebla, evangelizing action, urban world, missionary disciples, House


The purpose of this article is to relate, in general terms, the priorities of the III Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopate in Puebla, in 1979, with the Guidelines for Evangelizing Action in Brazil 2019-2023 (DGAE 2019-2023), running through other Latin American Bishops' Conferences and the General Objectives of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) in the Guidelines. The DGAE 2019-2023 are presented by the CNBB to the entire People of God in the year we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the III Latin American Episcopal Conference in Puebla. There are approximations in ecclesial priorities, but many changes in the way of being Church and also in the social and political field. The historic moment of the Church from 1968 to 1979 that led to the development and conclusions of the III Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopate held in the city of Puebla de Los Angeles, Mexico from January 27 to February 12, 1979 can be summarized in the following aspects: a) the Synod on Evangelization (1974), with the subsequent publication of the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, by Pope Paul VI (1975); b) Liberation Theology and c) the political, social, economic and dictatorial reality of the continent, with the increase of poverty and fear in the face of the arbitrariness of the military regimes. The urban world is a reality that affects the evangelizing action of the Church in Brazil. There are several news of communication through virtual media. This prevailing reality challenges the Church and all baptized people in an ecclesial community to understand whether people in general are willing to hear the Good News of Jesus about God's Kingdom, about abundant life, about God's Love, about charity and caring for life and the Common House - the whole planet. Pope Francis, inspired by the Canticle of the Creatures of St. Francis of Assisi, recalls that “our common house can be compared or to a sister with whom we share existence, or to a good mother who welcomes us in her arms” (LS, n.1). Living in community requires leaving anonymity and individualism and assume each one's their role as collaborators of care with the pillars of the House. The DGAE 2019-2023, when resuming the Magisterium of the Church since Pius XII, who called on baptized Christians to be Church, proposes a pedagogical path to be a House, to take care of the House and to open the doors of the House. To be a Church to proclaim Jesus Christ to the increasingly urban world.

Author Biography

Celia Soares de Sousa, PUCSP

Mestre em Teologia Sistemática PUC-SP, Pós Graduanda em Mariologia pela Faculdade Dehoniana em colaboração com a Academia Marial de Aparecida, atua como coordenadora da pós graduação para Catequistas na Faculdade Dehoniana Taubaté - SP

