And God Said: “Let there be one faith”. And there was Monotheism

The Poem of Creation (Gn 1,1–2,4a) As a Javist Creed


  • Diego Augusto Gonçalves Ferreira Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Biblical Theology, Poem of Creation, Genesis, Monotheism


Faced with the mistaken scientific-literal interpretation of the first chapters of the book of Genesis, especially with regard to the narratives about the origin of the physical world and the human being, controversially identified with a creationist theory and opposed to evolutionism, the present article, entitled And God said: “Let there be one faith”. And there was monotheism, aiming to understand how the inaugural poem of the Bible constitutes a jahwist creed for the restoration of Israel’s monotheistic faith after the babylonian exile (587-538 BC). Affirming the final writing of the Torah in the post-exilic era, the research presents, in the topic And there was darkness, the babylonian polytheistic historical-cultural context that causes the composition of the Israelite account of Gn 1,1–2,4a; explores the content of the creation poem in parallel to the Babylonian narrative Enuma elish, on the topic And there was light; and notes, in the topic And God saw that it was good, the theological-monolatric nature of the biblical pericope investigated.

Author Biography

Diego Augusto Gonçalves Ferreira, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Mestre em Educação pela Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Contato:


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