Territories, mobility and biography in French-Brazilian spiritism





Territories, Spiritism, Divaldo Franco


This paper aims to present a study about the territoriality of French-Brazilian spiritism. The concept of territoriality adopted for this work was elaborated by the French intellectuals Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, which can be found in the book Mil platôs: capitalismo e esquizofrenia 2. In both the authors’ views, territoriality is shown as a flow vector of the concept of rhizome, concept, which is the very basis of the book’s structures. Inherent to the idea of territoriality is  the notion of mobility. In this paper, these concepts will be applied in the study about medium Divaldo Pereira Franco’s life, who is a representative personality of the French-Brazilian spiritism and whose biographical data will be useful in order to analyze the territorial mobility of the spiritism, which was codified by Allan Kardec in France.

Author Biography

Gismair Martins Teixeira, UFG

Doutor em Letras e Linguística (UFG).

