“If I don’t do good, I don’t do evil either!”: a sacred Afro-indigenous lived by the Cria-ú Quilombo benefitors in the Amapá state





Sacred, Afroindigenism, Amazon enchantment, Quilombo do Cria-ú, Blessings, Amapá


The article aims to investigate how are the religious practices of the Afro-indigenous matrix in the Quilombo do Cria-ú, analyzing the religious worldviews and healing practices performed through prayers, blessings, and use of medicinal plants carried out by the current community benedictors. For data collection, we used participant observation resources, semi-structured interviews, and descriptive analysis of data found in the field. As a result of this study we have the (re) knowledge of the benedictors as legitimate heirs of the Afro-indigenous religious traditions of the Amazon because, through their traditional knowledge, these black and Quilombola women perpetuate the memories, relationships, interactions and social networks woven between Africans and indigenous peoples in the Amazon territory.

Author Biographies

Moisés de Jesus Prazeres dos Santos Bezerra, UNIFAP

Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Amapá (UNIFAP). 

Piedade Lino Videira, UNIFAP

Professora adjunta do PPG em educação da UNIFAP. Líder do grupo de estudo, pesquisa, extensão
e intervenção em corporeidade, artes, cultura e relações étnico-raciais com ênfase em educação quilombola.
Coordenadora geral do NEAB (UNIFAP). Doutora em educação brasileira (UFC). 

Elivaldo Serrão Custódio, UNIFAP

Professor do PPG em educação da UNIFAP, e do curso de pedagogia da FAMAT. Vice-líder do Grupo
de Pesquisa Educação, Interculturalidade e Relações Étnico-Raciais (UNIFAP). Doutor em Teologia (EST).





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