Christianism and popular religiosity in Roman empire

From textual tradition to archaeology


  • Filipe Noé da Silva
  • Pedro Paulo Abreu Funari



Early Christianity, Roman archaeology, Roman Empire


In this paper, we propose an interpretation of first centuries’ Christianism aiming to highlight its characteristics shared with contemporary popular religions of the Roman Empire. For this, we did an assessment between Judeo-Christian’s textual tradition and archaeological remains, referring above all to the religiosity of social groups deprived of full rights, aiming to evaluating of their similarities. We expect that this comparative exercise stresses the Mediterranean character of Christian religiosity.

Author Biographies

Filipe Noé da Silva

Doutor em História Cultural (UNICAMP)

Pedro Paulo Abreu Funari

Professor Titular do IFCH/Unicamp (Campinas-SP). Doutor em Arqueologia (USP, São Paulo-SP).


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