Non-religious spirituality in the socialization of rockers without religion around rock music




City, Postmodernity, Rockers without religion, Rock, heavy metal and its subgenres, Non-religious spirituality, Headbangers urban circles


In this article we present a fragment of the field research with the interviewees reports showing how the city and post-modernity were fundamental in the socialization of urban headbanger circles and of the various youth groups in Belo Horizonte. Our hypothesis sought to identify whether there was some kind of non-religious spirituality in the sociability of these non-religious rockers in urban headbanger circles. The methodology in this part occurred in a mixed way with the field research and with the bibliographical review, having as main theoretician the French sociologist Michel Maffesoli. Although, in the view of these research participants, this non-religious spirituality occurs with the city and postmodernity in socialization and solidarity, which is generated with rock, heavy metal and their subgenres. We realize that this is not unanimous, due to the rejection of any religious or spiritual manifestation within this group.

Author Biography

Flávio Lages Rodrigues, PUC Minas

Doutor (2023) e Mestre (2018) em Ciências da Religião pela PUC Minas PPGCR, bolsista pela Capes e membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Religião e Cultura/CNPq desde 2015. Graduado em Bacharel em Teologia (2005) e especialista em Teologia Sistemática (2007) pela Faculdade Teológica de Belo Horizonte - FATE-BH, atua também entre os jovens e adolescentes como palestrante em escolas, igrejas, nos clubes de futebol Atlético Mineiro e Cruzeiro em Belo Horizonte, faculdades, universidades, Ministério do Trabalho e no sistema sócio educativo. Vários temas são objetos de pesquisa entre eles: rock, músicas nas igrejas, aspectos religiosos-cristianismo, evangelização, tribos urbanas, juventude, pós-modernidade, religião e contemporaneidade, religião e cultura e cena alternativa e underground.


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