People no religion with belief

Urbanization and fragilization of the religious heritage




Phenomenon of the non-religious, Urbanization, Weakening of the religious heritage, Memory and identity, Individualization and deinstitutionalization, No religion with belief


The phenomenon of those without religion, represented by the designation without religion, occupies the third highest percentage of religious identification in Brazil. In the 2010 Census, people with no religion represented 8.04%, corresponding to more than 15 million individuals. The scope of this article is people without religion without religion, which we designate as without religion with belief. Our objective is to highlight some signs of weakening of the religious heritage that have repercussions on the phenomenon of the non-religious. To this end, we approach urbanization as an aspect that contributed to the weakening of the religious heritage, because it favored the recomposition of collective memory and dynamized the reconfiguration of identities through mobility and displacement. Furthermore, we point out the weakness of the transmission of tradition, cooperating with the recomposition of religious memory, with the reconfiguration of religious identification. Finally, we present some data and analysis of the field research carried out with undergraduate students and postgraduate students in Sciences of Religion at PUC Minas, showing the signs of weakening of the religious heritage and the recomposition of memory in those people without religion who believe. The methodology used was mixed, consisting of a theoretical framework and field research, using a structured digital questionnaire. We conclude, according to the data from the field research, that urbanization contributed to the weakening of the religious heritage, that there was precariousness in the transmission and recomposition of religious memory. Thus, we evidence the occurrence of remodeling in social and religious bonds, which manifest in the religious identification that exposes the absence of religion and the conservation of belief, in the individualization of belief and in the deinstitutionalization, as features of people without religion with belief.

Author Biography

Claudia Danielle de Andrade Ritz, PUC Minas e Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Bacharel em Direito pela PUC Minas.

Bacharel em Teologia pelo Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix.

Mestra em Ciências da Religião pela PUC Minas, como bolsista CAPES. 

Doutora em Ciências da Religião pela PUC Minas, como bolsista FAPEMIG.

Doutora em Estudos da Religião pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Religião e Cultura da PUC Minas.


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