Towards to Condor’s Operation - Dictatorship, Torture and other crimes


  • Neusah Cerveira


Condor’s Operation, Dictatorship, Torture, State-Owned Violence, Brazil (1964/1984)


This article analyses the Cerveira/Rita Pereda cases as a quite succeeded debut or the embryo which developed into the Condor’s Operation. It sustains that the idea of Condor’s Operation arose from the brazilian repressions organs and was improved by the USA government until temporarily disappear into the Nicaragua jungles by the end of the sandinista experience. The article also includes an interview given by Colonel Brilhante Ustra, who recognized the torture and disappearance of militant’s bodies during the brazilian dictatorship. It also aims to a conclusion for the “Legend of the Good Dictatorship”, revealing that in Brazil it was so or more violent as any other country and worst, due to lack of punishment of these hideous crimes, it left a heritage of torture practices that persists until now.

Author Biography

Neusah Cerveira

Doutora em História Social pela FFLCH/USP e professora na rede pública estadual do RN.

How to Cite

Cerveira, N. (2011). Towards to Condor’s Operation - Dictatorship, Torture and other crimes. Projeto História : Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pós-Graduados De História, 38. Retrieved from