The decree number 181 of 1890. Poor single mothers and childhood work exploitation


  • Maria Aparecida C. R. Papali


guardianship, poor single mother, orphans


The exploitation of the work of under aged, of the ingenuous and unprotected orphans, children of former slaves, released and poor single women was widely spreaded between many farmers and elite members in the slavery end. When being tutored, such minors were directed to the housework or the work in farming. This article searches to demonstrate that decree number 181 of January of 1890, which searches the civil marriage regulation, it also makes between the magistrates much confusion relating the fatherhood of the single mothers. Such legislation turned harder the fight of many poor single women when fighting in justice to have its children in return.

Author Biography

Maria Aparecida C. R. Papali

Doutora e Professora da Universidade do Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP); coordenadora do Curso de História. Autora da obra Escravos, Libertos e Órfãos (Editora Annablume).

How to Cite

Papali, M. A. C. R. (2011). The decree number 181 of 1890. Poor single mothers and childhood work exploitation. Projeto História : Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pós-Graduados De História, 39. Retrieved from