Dominion Theology
A key to interpret the evangelical-political relation-ship of the Bolsonarism
Reconstructionism, Dominion Theology, Policy, Evangelical, BolsonaroAbstract
The phenomenon of the political alliance between large evangelical corporations and the far-right government in Brazil has attracted the attention of specialists in several areas. The growing presence of evangelicals in politics could be considered just a reflection of the growth of this segment in Brazilian society, however, the success of Bolsonarism in evangelical circles requires a more precise analysis. In this sense, the objective of this article is to propose Dominion Theology (DT) as a key to the interpretation of this evangelical-political phenomenon. Dominion Theology (DT) is a diffuse designation to encompass a project of power launched by the main evangelical leaders in the USA, aiming to control the main strategic spheres of society. The hypothesis-problem of this article is whether the evangelical-bolsonarista phenomenon can be launched on account of the American influence on Brazilian churches. To do so, I divide the article into three sections: in the first, I present definitions of the concepts and the main intellectuals of DT; in the second section, I demonstrate TD's successes in US politics from Reagan to Trump; in the third section, I verify if the concepts of DT can be applied in Brazil as a key to the interpretation of the evangelical-bolsonarist phenomenon. Finally, by way of final considerations, I present DT contradictions and suggest ways to denounce and overcome DT for a more coherent evangelical position of the churches in relation to Brazilian politics.
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