Documentation, Memory, and Research: 30 years of CEDIC.


  • Heloisa de Faria Cruz
  • Viviane Tessitore


memory, information, social movements, documentation.


By the occasion of its 30th anniversary, the Centre for Doccumentation of the PUC-SP – CEDIC, reflects about its history as a custodian and research space in the area of documentation and memory, linked to the trajectory of the university itself. The text focus on the constitution of its collection, its scope and relevance, as well as the current goals of the Centre, projects and services, always aimed at providing support for research, teaching and extension at the University.

Author Biographies

Heloisa de Faria Cruz

Doutora em História Social, Coordenadora do CEDIC/PUC-SP, Professora do Departamento e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da PUC-SP.

Viviane Tessitore

Mestre em História Social pela FFLCH/USP, na linha de pesquisa Historiografia e Documentação, e Historiógrafa do Centro de Documentação e Informação Científica – CEDIC/PUC-SP.

How to Cite

Cruz, H. de F., & Tessitore, V. (2011). Documentation, Memory, and Research: 30 years of CEDIC. Projeto História : Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pós-Graduados De História, 40. Retrieved from