Lima Barreto: the creation of the Remediated´s Identity


  • Rita de Cássia Guimarães Melo Universidade Federal do Tocantins


Lima Barreto, middle classes (remediated), suburb, identity


The aim of this paper is to follow the trajectory of some characters in two novels by Lima Barreto: Clara dos Anjos and Numa and the Ninfa. In this latter we analyze the tricks used by Bachelor Numa Pompilio de Castro to ascend and reach the federal capital as a deputy and married the daughter of a prominent politician. Our objective is to understand how the intermediate sectors, called "remediated," could "dig" spaces between the elites and gain influence and power. In the Clara dos Anjos the choice of characters followed the criterion of social place in the suburbs, characters that are not considered "poor". The rise of these extracts is not conditioned to the coexistence with the "inferior".



How to Cite

Guimarães Melo, R. de C. (2012). Lima Barreto: the creation of the Remediated´s Identity. Projeto História : Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pós-Graduados De História, 43. Retrieved from