Delacroix in Morocco and the inversion of the Exotic.


  • Laís Guaraldo


travel diaries, Eugene Delacroix, Morocco, cultural estrangement


In 1832, the French painter Eugene Delacroix integrated a diplomatic mission to Morocco. In this article, we will analyze the records that the painter made in their travel diaries and letters written in the same period. The aim is to observe how the travel experience has transformed the look of the painter, initially formatted by the French orientalist ideology of the nineteenth century, which considered everything that was not European as “exotic”.

Author Biography

Laís Guaraldo

Laís Guaraldo Professora Doutora do curso de Comunicação e Multimeios, e de Jornalismo da PUC/SP. Pós-doutoranda na Universidade de Aveiro.

How to Cite

Guaraldo, L. (2011). Delacroix in Morocco and the inversion of the Exotic. Projeto História : Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pós-Graduados De História, 42. Retrieved from