Laerte meets Henfil (fall and rise of dictatorships)


  • Marcos Silva


Laerte, Henfil, Brazilian comics, military dictatorship, Brazil (1990)


This article discusses the fall of east countries, a comics by Laerte. This artist does honor to Henfil and analyses that subject through aspects of Brazilian society in the course of the end of military dictatorship. Laerte’s narrative enables us to understand how authoritarianism, misery and violence are sides of an world that changes to stay the same. The end of dictatorship arises as continuity.

Author Biography

Marcos Silva

Professor livre-docente da FFLCH/USP, com pós-doutorado na Université Paris-III.

How to Cite

Silva, M. (2012). Laerte meets Henfil (fall and rise of dictatorships). Projeto História : Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pós-Graduados De História, 29(01). Retrieved from