The Comunist Party of Brazil (PC do B) during dictatorship: two important contribuitions


  • Carlos Eduardo Carvalho


Comnunist Party of Brazil, military dictatorship, guerrilla of Araguaia, students movement – Bahia, Pedro Pomar


The survival os the Communist Party of Brazil (PC do B) after the violent repression of military dictatorship and specially after the beginning of guerrilla in the south of Pará, in 1972, may be explained by the singular combination of militarist conceptions, widely predominant in the revolutionary organizations during the second half of 60’s, based on wide political mass orientations. Although these orientations were not dominant since the party was created in 1962, they were always present in the main documents and in the party’s political activity, always mixed with the prevailing militarist orientation. The coexistence of both views is one explanation for the trajetory of Communist Party of Brazil in the studens movement in Salvador, during the period of 1967 and 1975. During this period, the party developed ways of action and organization different from the ones that prevailed in other revolutionary parties and very close to the ones proposed by PCB - Brazilian Communist Party at that moment. The persistence of these concept in the Communist Party of Brazil may be attributed to the strength of communist traditions, inherited from the old PCB and also to the influence of one its main leaders, Pedro Pomar.

Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Carvalho

Departamento de Economia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica – PUC, São Paulo.

How to Cite

Carvalho, C. E. (2012). The Comunist Party of Brazil (PC do B) during dictatorship: two important contribuitions. Projeto História : Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pós-Graduados De História, 29(02). Retrieved from